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Dynamic Integrations - Innovative Products - Disruptive Technology - Digital Future

Our story, how we developed from AI to the Chills ecosystem

Fredrik the Frisian

Updated: Mar 25, 2023

Dynamic Integrations’ mission is to shape the digital era enabling organisations and people to be independent, to create and cooperate. We do not create visions, but we develop new technology and products creating the digital era and make visions a reality.

Dynamic Integrations insights in organisation and society changes

Roadmap to the Digital Era

Our articles are written with guest writers possessing knowledge or insights about an aspect shaping the digital era. All articles combined are a road map for new and established companies entering the digital era. This journey is very different from digitizing your existing hierarchical company structure. We see the emerging digital era completely changing businesses and societies, making the industrial era and its remnants disappear.

The Dynamic Integrations Articles


These articles offers insight in the latest developments and how your organisation can benefit. Our articles describe aspects of the new digital era. It can be the emergence of new roles people perform, a new way of doing business, how a new technology functions in practice, the possibilities and risks related to this, or other topics related to the digital journey human mankind must undertake to shape the digital future.


Insights do not come every month, they come in waves, just like disruptions. We therefor prepare you for a dynamic article frequency, might be weeks, might be months, one guarantee, it will be exciting!

Authors and guest writers

Bård and/or Fredrik are the authors together with guest writers who are specialist on topics related to a Dynamic Integrations product or service, or digitalisation in general.

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With digital regards,

Fredrik the Frisian, CEO Dynamic Integrations

Bård Øvrebø, CTO Dynamic Integrations

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